What happens after ISR classes?

Your child will understand basic, age-appropriate swimming techniques, such as rolling over from a facedown position, unassisted floating, and even swmming facedown for three to five seconds. If desired, they can continue to our Learn-To-Swim classes, which cover more advanced swimming techniques.

What is the $105 ISR registration fee?

This nonrefundable $105 fee to ISR, Inc., covers a medical screening by our ISR registration evaluation team (RET) to assess the physical and developmental readiness of your child. The national ISR team requires children to be at least six months old and be able to sit up independently in order to complete the registration process.

What will my child learn in ISR classes? What will it look like?

Generally speaking, children ages six months to one year learn the ISR Self-Rescue® skill of rolling onto their backs to float, to rest, and to breathe. They learn to maintain this position until help arrives. For more information, please see this page: https://www.infantswim.com/lessons/isr-lessons.html.