Make the Most of Your Child’s Swim Classes When You Demonstrate Your Support

Play with Your Child in the Water: You are Your Child’s First Role Model

Learning to swim is an essential life skill that provides countless benefits, from survival safety skills to enjoying aquatic activities.

While WeAquatics’  instructors have the knowledge and skills to teach your child proper techniques and water safety, parents and caregivers play an essential role in their child’s swimming success.

First, parents, you’re doing great— you’re already demonstrating your support to your child by signing them up for swim classes.

We’ve compiled five more ways to help support your child in their WeAquatics classes.

Leave the Instruction to the Instructors

swim classes for your child

We know it’s tempting to step in and offer swimming tips or correct your child’s mistakes. However, our experienced instructors are trained to teach proper techniques and water safety skills using proven methods tailored to your child’s unique needs.

To support your child’s learning:

  • Resist the urge to become their instructor
  • Allow the WeAquatics swim instructor to guide your child’s progress
  • Encourage your child to listen to and trust their instructor


Remember, at the end of the Infant Swimming Resource™ (ISR) program, you will have the opportunity to jump in the pool, and your child’s instructor will show you what they’ve been working on and how you can continue to support your child at home with what they’ve been working on in class.

Make Lessons a Positive Experience

The atmosphere you create around classes can have a significant impact on your child’s learning experience.

To help foster a positive learning environment:

  • Have a positive attitude about classes
  • Avoid stressing about schedules and traffic
  • Leave plenty of time to arrive at classes relaxed and unhurried
  • Celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how small


Parents set the tone for how swim classes go. Your child is relaxed and ready to learn when you arrive promptly with a great attitude!

Be a Role Model

support child swim classes

Jump in the water and swim with your kids!

Believe it or not, one of the biggest predictors of children swimming is how much they see their parents engage in aquatic activities.

To support your child outside of class:

  • Play with your children in the water
  • Demonstrate healthy water safety habits
  • Share your enthusiasm for swimming and water activities
  • Encourage your child to explore and have fun in the water alongside you
  • Create lasting memories and cultivate a shared love of swimming together


Your child looks to you for guidance and inspiration. They don’t care what you look like in a swimsuit or how well you swim.

By being a positive role model and actively engaging in water activities together, you can help your child build a lifelong love of swimming that they will carry on to their children!

Offer Encouragement and Positive Reinforcement

parents support child swim classes

You are your child’s biggest cheerleader!

As with practicing anything new, your child will encounter obstacles as they learn to swim. Your positive reinforcement can make all the difference in their success.

To support your child’s emotional growth:

  • Praise their efforts, not just their achievements
  • Allow your child to experience fears, hesitation, and the process of overcoming challenges
  • Celebrate their success, no matter how small
  • Leave the constructive feedback to the instructors


Don’t know what to say? A simple, ‘I loved watching you swim today’ can go a long way!

Maintain Open Communication with the Instructor

Establishing a solid partnership with your child’s WeAquatics instructor can help your child have a positive experience.

Foster good communication with your child’s swim instructor:

  • Share any concerns, questions, or insights about your child’s progress
  • Attend classes and be available to speak to your child’s instructor
  • Be open to feedback 
  • Older children can set goals with their instructor

When your child sees their parent and instructor working together, they can feel confident that both parties are invested in their success.

WeAquatics is Your Partner in Creating a Positive Learning Experience

child swim classes

Supporting your child’s success at WeAquatics is a collaborative effort between parents and instructors. You have the power to help your child develop the skills and confidence they need to become a strong, safe, and happy swimmer.

WeAquatics is committed to partnering with parents to make the most out of swim classes. Together, we can help your child develop solid swimming skills and cultivate a lifelong love of swimming.