WeAquatics – Swim Program

This site belongs to WeAquatics (hereinafter called “WeAquatics”). This legal notice rules the access and use of the service provided by the web site under the www.weaquatics.com domains (hereinafter called the “Web Site”) which WeAquatics offers at disposal of the Internet users which are interested in its products (hereinafter called the “Users”).

The aim of this Web Site is to spread information on the products offered by WeAquatics through this Web Site, Internet and any other existing communication media.

WeAquatics may change at any time and without previous notification, the design, appearance and/or configuration of the Web Site, as well as any or all the services and add new services.

The use of this Web Site involves the full acceptance of the clauses included in this Legal Notice in the version published by WeAquatics the moment the User access the Web Site. Also WeAquatics declares to the Users of this Web Site that this General Conditions of Use may be modified without previous notice. The use of certain services offered to the Users through this Web Page may be ruled by particular specific conditions which, depending on each case may substitute, complement and/or modify this General Conditions of Use.


Conditions of accessing and using the Web Site. The User agrees to make a diligent use of the Web Site and of the services available through this Web Site, according to the Law, the good manners and the present General Conditions of Use, and if applicable, particular conditions, as well as agrees to keep all due respect to the rest of the Users.

It is expressly forbidden any other use different from what this Web Site is aimed for. Regarding so, the User declines to use any content or materials incorporated into this Web Page with unlawful purposes and according to what is expressly forbidden in the present General Conditions of Use as well as in any of the particular conditions that if applicable would be stated, or what would be against the rights and interests of WeAquatics

WeAquatics its members and/or third parties, and shall respond against them in case such obligations would be contravened or broken and/or that by any means (included the introduction o spreading of “computer virus”), would harm, make useless, overload, damage or prevent the normal use of the materials and contents incorporated into this Web Site, the information systems or the documents, files and any type of content stored in any computer equipment (hacking) of WeAquatics, of its members or any other users of the Web Site.

In general, the provision of the services doesn’t need the previous subscription or registration of the Users. Nevertheless, WeAquatics conditions the use of some of the services to the previous fill out of the corresponding form of User Registry, and selecting the ID or login and the password that the user agrees to keep and use with due diligence.

WeAquatics shall assign the selected ID by the User as long as it hasn’t been previously selected by any other User. The use of the password is private and untransferable, not being allowed the release, not even temporarily, to third parties. Referring so, the User must take the necessary means for the custody of the password selected by him, avoiding it’s use by third parties. Consequently, the User is the only responsible of the use that would be made of it’s password, with full indemnity for WeAquatics In case the User has notice or suspects that such password is being used by a third party, shall advice WeAquatics promptly of such issue. The aforementioned registry shall be made through the expressly indicated manner by the service itself or at the Particular Conditions that, for each case, would rule. All the information given by the User through the services must be truthful. For these purposes, the User guarantees the authenticity of all data given as a consequence of the fill out of a registry form needed to subscribe the services.

It will also be under the User’s Responsibility to keep all the information given to WeAquatics up to date so it corresponds, at any time, with the real situation of the User. In any case the User will be the only responsible of the false or inexact data given and of the harm it may cause to WeAquatics or third parties. According to the anti-spamming policy of WeAquatics the User shall abstain from using and collect data from distribution lists to which it may access through the information and services given by the Web Site in order to perform activities with promotional or advertising objectives, as well as to send not previously consented commercial communications of any kind or by any means. The User that would breach intentionally or with guilt any of the above obligations shall respond of all the harm and damage it may cause.

Exclusion of Warranty and Liability.

Unless expressly described by the General Conditions of Use and the rest of the regulatory framework of the Web Site, WeAquatics shall not be responsible for any damages or harms of any kind that may happen as a result of lack of accuracy, exhaustivity, up to date, as well as errors or omissions on the information or services included in this Web Site or other contents to which it would be able to access through this Web Site, nor it doesn’t assume any duty or commitment to verify nor to keep watch its contents and informations.

As well WeAquatics doesn’t guarantee the availability, continuity nor infallibility of the performance of the Web Site, and consequently it excludes, in the maximum allowed by the current law, any liability against the harm and damage of any kind that may happen due to the lack of availability or continuity of the performance of the Web Site and the services available as well as of the errors accessing the different web pages of the Web Site or those where, in such case, the services are provided. WeAquatics excludes any liability for the damage and harm of any kind possibly caused by the services provided by third parties through this Web Site as well as by the means this third parties provide in order to manage the service request and, specifically, including, but not limited to: by acts of unfair competition and unlawful advertising as a consequence of the services provided by third parties through this Web Site, as well as the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, exhaustivity, defects, pertinence and/ or update of the transmitted, spread, stored, received, obtained, made available or accessible contents through the services provided by third parties at this Web Site.

Applicable Law.

The General Conditions of Use and the rest of legal clauses of the Web Site are ruled in all cases by the US & state of Washington Law.