WeAquatics Safety Protocols

Your health and safety are the most important factors in our decision-making, which is why we’ve carefully designed our return-to-pool protocols to align with all federal, state, and local health guidelines; facility-specific rules; and WeAquatics guidelines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has indicated there is no evidence COVID-19 spreads through treated water. Proper operation and maintenance (including disinfection with chlorine) of these facilities should inactivate the virus in the water.

As we return to the pool, here’s what you need to know:

WeAquatics Host Facilities Protocol

Specific precautions will vary slightly at each of our four facilities (Trinity, Gallaudet, Chinquapin, and Madeira). When you arrive at any of our locations, be prepared to follow the guidelines put in place by management while on the premises.

Given that, every facility will comply with the following:

Please expect periodic closures throughout the day for cleaning and disinfecting locker rooms, doorknobs, and high-traffic areas.

Safety Protocol for Everyone


Coach/Instructor-Specific Safety Protocol

Protocol for the WeAquatics Families


More detailed guidelines can be found via our customer portal.